Jan 31, 2019
Are you here for the Showstopper? I think we saw that a$$hole wasting his time flipping coins on the Transguild Promenade. Judith? Maybe. But, really we’re the only divas here.
Join Andy and Kyle as they take the guild series to the Blood Crypts in search of Rakdos commanders steeped in enough gory glory to...
Jan 25, 2019
Whether it's that vindaloo you ate last night or Orzhov, both are coming back to torture you. Join us as we dive into the untold riches the Orzhov Syndicate has to offer. Fine Print: Just know that by listening to this episode you are signing your everlasting soul over to Kyle and Andy.
We'll explore the guild and...
Jan 18, 2019
What is it about Simic? It's just so easy for blue and green to combine forces and realize their plans. It's almost as if they're fueled by extra body parts, virile with the force of a Gentleman Bronco.
Well, we're diving back into the guilds as Ravnica Allegiance rolls out. This week we're exploring the identity of...
Jan 11, 2019
Ravnica nine! The review of the ninth Ravnica set! The ninth one that happened... the 8th Ravnica. S#!t, it's the ninth one...
Alright, it's getting hard to keep track of how many sets have happened on Ravnica. But let's do this.
Join Andy and Kyle as they explore the legendary creatures and other cards that may be...