Apr 24, 2020
Because we’re all suckers for new cards… That’s right, we can’t stop reviewing this new product. Now that we’ve thoroughly beat the cuss out of all the legends, let’s go see if there’s anything else in Ikoria or Commander 2020 that’s worth taking note of as commander players.
Seriously. You’re gonna...
Apr 20, 2020
Welcome back for more of our Commander 2020 and Ikoria grab bag review. We’re closing out the rest of the legends, as reviewed by our patrons. Seriously, it’s way better to get their insights than ours.
Keep an eye out for a future post with all the decklists that listeners provided as source material for their...
Apr 17, 2020
Welcome to the Commander 2020 and Ikoria grab bag review. Our patrons have reviewed all the legends for us and we’re picking these new behemoths and non-behemoths alike at random to review. Come join us to see what the real commander players out there have to say, rather than listen to us blather on about them...
Apr 6, 2020
Has your deck hit the speed of 88 MPH? Have you sped into the future to see your victory? No? Well, join us to get some tips on how to make sure your deck hits the pace you need.
Whether you need to get a train to push you or make sure you’ve got the right kind of ramp, we'll talk about it as Kyle explores...