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Commander and EDH content. We just want your commander experience to be fun. But don't listen to us with your grandma.

Nov 16, 2020

When there’s so much content to digest it can feel like our collective need to review it is like birthing a child… or taking a sh!t.

There are literally hundreds into the thousands of new possibilities for what you can put into the command zone with this release. Let our listeners help get your creative...

Nov 9, 2020

Are you ready to go up the Wonka-vator? Because ready or not, here we go. We’re pressing the one button that hasn’t been pressed.

There are literally hundreds into the thousands of new possibilities for what you can put into the command zone with this release. Let our listeners help get your creative...

Nov 3, 2020

Commander Legends is bringing us that sweet ole swinger vibe. We’re not ready to dive into the review yet, but it does feel like it's time to have a little preemptive partner discussion; set some expectations in advance of the rampant key parties headed our way.

Plus Andy shares his recently updated Vial Smasher the...