Dec 22, 2023
Last time we talked about rehabilitating a deck’s reputation after your group has grown to hate it. We illustrated the idea with a few of our own experiences. Now let’s look at a few listener decks and see what kind of PR plan we can come up with.
As always, you can find decks lists we reference in our...
Dec 13, 2023
What do you do with those decks that just seem to put a little hate into the actions of your opponents? How do you manage a reputation that precedes your commander?
Andy and Kyle talk about why decks might garner a reputation and explore ways to manage the issue so you can just sit down and play like every other average...
Nov 30, 2023
We are closing out our Lost Caverns of Ixalan coverage with cards to consider for the other 99 of your deck.
As usual with reviews, the listeners have the analysis, Andy and Kyle are here for the ride, and random comments.
Be sure to check out Andy’s other podcast while you’re listening:
Nov 21, 2023
The set review continues! We get further into all the multi-color legends. Our listeners are bringing all their studied insights into each new one. We offer the armchair commentary.
If you didn’t notice, this is part two. You’ll find the below legends in this episode. Look for the others in part one.
Nov 17, 2023
New set review! Time to get into all the pirates, dinos, vampires, and more. Our listeners are bringing all their studied insights into each new legend. We offer the armchair commentary.
We’re breaking this up into two parts. You’ll find the below legends in this episode. Look for part two for the others.