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Commander and EDH content. We just want your commander experience to be fun. But don't listen to us with your grandma.

Sep 24, 2017

Are you gearing up to build a new pirate, dinosaur, or merfolk deck? Maybe you're looking for a few extra cards for that new Edgar Markov deck you picked up. Andy and Kyle go through Ixalan and talk about all the new legendary creatures and if they fit into commander.

They also dive into a bunch of cards from Ixalan and...

Sep 23, 2017

Kyle and Andy wax a bit philosophical as they try to define what a commander staple is and what is a card that's just too good to pass up.

As they flesh out what they feel a staple is, they start to explore popular cards in each color. They discuss why those cards may or may not be staples and some deck types where they...

Sep 9, 2017

Kyle and Andy start a new Legendary Creature Podcast series, where they talk about some of their battle tested decks. Their meta bosses take the spotlight as they not only tech the deck, but talk about why these decks have dominated their play group.

In this episode they talk about Kyle’s Erebos, God of the Dead deck....

Sep 2, 2017

So you've got yourself some new commanders from the Commander 2017 set, eh? Well what are you gonna do with your fancy new cards?

Andy and Kyle were supposed to come to the table with two different approaches to building a Licia, Sanguine Tribune deck. Andy concedes his idea didn't pan out.

Kyle then talks about how...