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Commander and EDH content. We just want your commander experience to be fun. But don't listen to us with your grandma.

May 24, 2019

What is a good stuff? Really though. “Good stuff” is one of those phrases we magic players throw around all the time, but what does it mean?


Andy and Kyle compare definitions of “good stuff” and then Andy dives into the application of good stuff with Niv-Mizzet Reborn—thank god that dragon uploaded his consciousness as a backup plan.


Check out Andy’s Niv-Mizzet Reborn list right here:


Get some real magic experiences—or watch us screw up games. Check out our gameplay videos on YouTube:


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The intro this episode is by Protector 101, the song is Program from the Solitary Star album. The outro is by music is by the always Silver Richards, the song is Dropout from the album Despair. Check out all the dope musicians who graciously let us use their beats, so we can mix up the intro/outro each week:

Protector 101 –

Silver Richards –

Home –

Dan Terminus –


Big shout out to Mikey Patch for logo artwork! Check his stuff out: