Nov 30, 2018
We know, in a Cyber Monday malaise, you charged up your credit card buying what you thought were the perfect gifts for all your friends. Now you realize they don't want that limited edition Daenerys Targaryen yoga mat with Jon Snow's face printed in the middle of it. Nor do they want the companion dragon scale mug for their chia seed green drinks. And the fart-o-meter to prove that their farts do stink was just a bad idea.
Never fear! We've got the perfect gift for your play group! Come to the EDH table with your brand new group hug deck!
Join us as Kyle explores the pitfalls of group hug decks, explains what really can make a group hug deck fun. And find out how he lands in a balanced place where everyone can still enjoy that Dorito scented moment when neckbearded cheek caresses neckbeard cheek.
For reference, here's the reddit primer that Kyle used as a foundation for his thoughts:
Check out Kyle's Group Hug Deck right here:
Find the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or wherever you grab your RSS feeds. Also ask your smart speakers to play the Legendary Creature Podcast.
Check out our first game play video on YouTube, and feel free to join the conversation there.
The hip beats this episode are by the artist Flashlight. The album is Falling Into Place. Be sure to support the craft of this talented musician:
Big shout out to Mikey Patch for logo art work! Check his stuff out: