Jun 28, 2024
We've got a guest joining us today in Joey of EDHRECast. Joey joins to get deep with us as we talk about commanders who tend to earn the ire of opponents before the game even starts.
We get into the various ways a commander may call for attention despite the game actions playing out in front of us and how many of those commanders may fit better into the 99 of some decks.
As always, find deck lists and card lists from the podcast on the Discord server’s #lists-from-the-pod channel.
Be sure to check out Andy’s
other podcast.
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Check out old shit on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/legendarycreaturepodcast
The intro and outro music in this episode comes courtesy of the
artist Makeup and Vanity Set. Be sure to support them!
– https://makeupandvanityset.bandcamp.com/