Jun 30, 2021
In the most subjective of MTG formats, probably the most subjective task is that of maintaining a healthy and friendly playing environment. Yet it is the most important variable in making sure that we can all continue to play.
Drawing from nearly a decade of playing commander, Andy guides a discussion of what has allowed the Legendary Creature – Podcast crew to maintain a group that still enjoys sitting down for a night of commander games.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/legendarycreature
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/legendarycreaturepodcast
Twitter: @legend_creature
Intro and outro music artists vary each episode, but comes courtesy of the sexy souls of the following artists:
Home – https://home96.bandcamp.com/
Protector 101 – https://protector101.bandcamp.com/
Dan Terminus – https://dan-terminus.bandcamp.com/
Silver Richards – https://silverrichards.bandcamp.com/