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Commander and EDH content. We just want your commander experience to be fun. But don't listen to us with your grandma.

Mar 16, 2018

Sooooo... normally we're not super into leaked material. We'd rather wait until a set is officially spoiled to talk about what might fit into commander. But with a huge chunk of Dominaria's shit not being secure--and with it being a "legendary matters" set--it seems like we just gotta talk about it.

So here's our partial set review of Dominaria. We're diving into a bunch of the new legendary creatures and talking about who look like potential commanders, who fits in as support and what might be duds.

We'll be back to talk more Dominaria when the whole set is spoiled.

The intro/outro beats this episode are by the Home, track 12 from the Resting State album. Support his craft. Check out his music. We love him for being so gracious, as to let us use his tunes. Find his work on his Bandcamp page (

Big shout out to Mikey Patch for all our art work! Check his stuff out (