Apr 5, 2019
MTG Muddstah. You watch his gameplay videos. So come hang out with him on this week’s podcast.
Join us as Andrew shares his content origin story, explores commander philosophy and takes Kyle and Andy through the thought process behind his Mistform Ultimus EDH deck.
If you haven’t been watching MTG Muddstah’s gameplay videos, you need to get internet under the rock where you live and check him out. Here’s a link to his channel:
Also, check out his latest video featuring Mistform Ultimus:
And here’s his decklist:
Find the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Podcasts or wherever you grab your RSS feeds. Also, ask your smart speakers to play the Legendary Creature Podcast.
Music this episode by Home. Check out all the dope musicians who graciously let us use their beats, so we can mix up the intro/outro each week:
Silver Richards – https://silverrichards.bandcamp.com/
Dan Terminus – https://dan-terminus.bandcamp.com/
Home – https://home96.bandcamp.com/
Protector 101 – https://protector101.bandcamp.com/
Big shout out to Mikey Patch for logo artwork! Check his stuff out: http://irontree.deviantart.com/